DigerTech SDK
DigerTech Inc.
Version: 16.9.1
1. FileProcessingSDK - ICL file processing SDK
FileProcessingSDK can read/write records from/to the Image Cash Letter (ICL) file.
1.1 Read Records from ICL File
ReaderInterface should be implemented to retrieve the ICL records from the file. To enable field value validation, the validation flag should be set to true and customized file valid field values should be updated before any file processed :
And then initialize DTFileReader class and call the 'readRecords(ReaderInterface)' method of the class to read ICL records.
License key is required to performance the reading process. For each JVM, the method setLicenseKey should be called one and only one time.
If the license key is valid, DTFileReader can returns valid product id of the license. Otherwise a free version product id is returned. The following are all valid product id:
After the ICL file is processed, the method 'close' should be called to close the file.
Three sample classes are provided to show how to implement the ReaderInterface and read the records from the ICL file.
To run these two samples, two jar files in the lib folder should be included in the classpath:
FileProcessingSDK.jar ImageValidationSDK.jar
Sample 1: SampleICLFileReader.java
This sample implements ReaderInterface and loads the records from ICL file and print field value of each record.
To run the sample file, execute the commmand:
java com.digertech.sdk.samples.SampleICLFileReader [ICL file] [license key]
[license key] - File processing SDK license key
Sample 2: SampleICLFileReader2.java
This sample implements ReaderInterface loads the records from ICL file, validate the image data in type 52 record and print field value of each record and image validation results.
To run the sample file, execute the commmand:
java com.digertech.sdk.samples.SampleICLFileReader2 [ICL file] [license key 1] [license key 2]
Sample 3: SampleICLFileReader3.java
This sample implements ReaderInterface loads the records from ICL file, output check image data to specified path and print field value of each record.
To run the sample file, execute the commmand:
java com.digertech.sdk.samples.SampleICLFileReader3 [ICL file] [license key] [image path]
1.2 Write Records to ICL File
To write records to the ICL file, initialize DTFileWriter class and write the records to the ICL file in order. License key is required to performance the writing process. For each JVM, the method setLicenseKey should be called one and only one time which will validate the license key.
If the license key is valid, DTFileWriter returns the valid product id of the license. Otherwise a free version product id is returned. The following are all valid product id:
After all records are written into the ICL file, the method 'close' should be called to close the file. A sample class is provided to show how to write ICL records to the file.
Sample : SampleICLFileWriter.java
This sample creates a new file and writes X9.37-2003/X9.100-180-2006 records to the file.
To run the sample file, execute the commmand:
java com.digertech.sdk.samples.SampleICLFileWriter [ICL file] [license key]
[license key] - File processing SDK license key
2. ImageValidationSDK - TIFF Image Validation SDK
ImageValidationSDK checks or validates the image according to the X9.100-181 standard.
There are two methods to validate the image data:
2.1. public boolean isImageValid(byte[] imageData) throws ImageException
this method only checks wether the image is confirmed to X9.100-181 standard. If any invalid value found, it will stop proces and return false.
2.2. public int[] validateImage(byte[] imageData) throws ImageException
this method checks whether all options in the X9.100-181 standard are confirmed to the standard. It only stops the process when all options are done or there an error while validating the image.
License key is required to performance the process. For each JVM, the method setLicenseKey should be called one and only one time which will validate the license key.
If the license key is valid, ImageValidator returns the valid product id of the license. Othwise a free version product id is returned. The following are all valid product id:
One sample class is provided to show how to check or validate image data whether it is confirmed to X9.100-181 standard.
Sample : SampleImageValidator.java
This sample load the image data from the file and validate the image data according to X9.100-181 standard and print image validation results.
java com.digertech.sdk.samples.SampleImageValidator [TIFF image file] [license key]
3. Retrieve Computer Information
To retrieve the computer information, execute the commmand and it will display the computer information and license information if license key is provided :
java -jar FileProcessingSDK.jar [license key]
[license key] - File processing SDK license key (optional)
4. Pre-requirement
To execute the samples, JDK or JRE (Version 1.7.0 +) should be pre-installed.