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X9.37 Solution



X9.37 is the standard format used in electronic check exchange. It addresses the file sequences, record types, field formats, data and image compression, encryption and data representation. It does not defines operational, implementation, or settlement issues.

X9.37 went into effect on October 28, 2004 with the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act. X9.100-180 went into effect on April 15, 2006.


Universal Companion Document (UCD)

Universal Companion Document (UCD) is a standard industry practice for using the DSTU X9.37-2003 standard to exchange ICL files. This document clarifies how financial institutions should use the standard to ensure all necessary and appropriate payment data is exchanged between collecting and paying institutions. All image exchange participants will obtain, use and adhere to the record and field usage definitions detailed in the DSTU X9.37-2003 standard.


ICL Customer Documentation of Federal Reserve Banks (FRB)

Image Cash Letter Customer Documentation of Federal Reserve Banks (FRB) which Describes how the DSTU X9.37- 2003 standard is used when a depository institution sends an image cash letter file as a deposit to the Federal Reserve Bank, or when the Federal Reserve Bank transfers, presents or returns an image cash letter file to a depository institution.



DSTU X9.37- 2003 File Format

DSTU X9.37- 2003 standard suports two kind of file format:

  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
  • EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)



X9.37 File Processing SDK

FileProcessingSDk is a pure Java SDK used to read records from the X9.37 file. Implement the ProcessInterface to receive the records reading from the X9.37 file.

DigerTech Inc. provides two samples on how to use the SDK to process X9.37 file:

  1. SampleICLFileReader.java
  2. SampleICLFileWriter.java

XEditor - X9.37 Viewer & Editor

XEditor is our product that allows to view, analyze, validate, edit and print the contents of X9 Image Cash Letter files. It can support :

  • DSTU X9.37-2003
  • DSTU X9.37-2003 - ICL Customer Document of FRB
  • X9.100-180-2006
  • X9.100-180-2006 TECP
  • Universal Companion Document(UCD)
  • X9.100-181 (Check Image Validation)
  • X9.100-187

Three kind of license versions are provided:

  • Free version - free to use
  • Validator version - license required
  • Editor version - license required


